Friday, May 27, 2011

Night Seven


  1. Are you using a chalkboard too? I've been trying to figure it out. With no success, clearly. I like the square format though. Night Seven looks like so many things to me: jellyfish (of course) - blink - nest - blink - fire smoldering - blink - flightpath - blink - eyeball from behind, with optic nerve attached - blink.

  2. Yay! I'm glad the images are shifting like that for you. It reminds me of a conversation I had with someone lately about transformation - how something is clearly paint and for a moment it coheres into a representation of something - and then it is gone. No, I am not using chalkboard. I am using roofing paper. Ha! I suppose were there a suitable cheap black paper I could use that instead, but someone suggested this as a support for another artist and I was so intrigued I had to buy a roll.
